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Who are we?

Following in the footsteps of the Climate Fresk, the Circular Economy Collage is a non-profit association aiming to accelerate collective awareness and get as many people as possible on board for the ecological transition.  

A non-profit association

Our mission

To raise awareness and educate as many people as possible about the challenges of the 21st century, in order to encourage action and the transformation of our system towards a model that respects the major balances of life. 


Our target: Everyone!

Elected representatives, decision-makers, employees, citizens, students... Spreading knowledge helps to build a shared vision of the issues. Collective awareness is the first building block in the transition.

A community of facilitators

To spread knowledge widely, the association develops awareness tools under the Creative Commons license. 

Since its creation in 2020, the association has trained over 800 volunteer and professional facilitators who help to raise awareness on a daily basis.

You too can become a part of it! 



last update: july 2024

An initiative supported by...

We have the power to build a different relationship with the world, one that respects the great balances of life. Convinced of the power of our collective representations, disseminating knowledge about both what's wrong and what we can do about it is a priority for me.

Getting all the players of our society on board with the collective creation of a new, vertuous and sustainable model depends first and foremost on everyone understanding the issues and adopting the actions. Our ambition is to make it desirable, to make it possible!

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©2020 by the Circular Economy Collage. Created with

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